James Rahn has led the Rittenhouse Writers’ Group since he founded it in 1988, making it one of America’s longest-running independent fiction workshops. Hundreds of writers and would-be writers have sought out the group for its remarkable level of instruction and collaboration. Rittenhouse Writers is Rahn’s memoir of the workshop and how his own evolution as both a teacher and a writer—and as a son, husband, and (somewhat reluctant) father—has been intertwined with the establishment and growth of the RWG. In addition, Rahn includes ten short stories written by current and former members of the workshop. Rittenhouse Writers will be available in May 2016. Read more at Paul Dry Books
The 10 short stories included in Rittenhouse Writers:
“On Fire” by Gwen Florio
“Mother—6/7 Months” by Romnesh Lamba
“Moon Penitent” by Diane McKinney-Whetstone
“The Last Confession” by Tom Teti
“Ivory Is Wrong About Me” by Caren Litvin
“The Conference Rat” by Samantha Gillison
“Dropping a Line into the Murky Chop” by Saral Waldorf
“What She Missed” by Lisa Paparone
“Kingdom of the Sun” by Alice Schell
“The Letters of Hon. Crawford G. Bolton III” by Daniel R. Biddle
James Rahn has published stories in many literary magazines, taught for fifteen years at the University of Pennsylvania, and has an MFA in Writing from Columbia University. His first novel, Bloodnight, was published in 2012.